March 14, 2025, 3 p.m. (seats left: 1)
Moscow, Russia
Participation fee
18000.00 RUB
Sometimes there are questions that are difficult for you to open in a group. In this case, you should consider the individual game. Carefully, I will guide you through the Rebirth process, in which you will receive answers to the most burning questions and tools to change your unwelcome reality to the desired one. This format of the game will suit you if you feel that you want to immerse yourself in the process, without being distracted by other participants. It is for you, if you find it difficult to open and would like to get the maximum result out of just one game session. It is for you, if you feel to be at the point of no return and need fast and powerful changes.
Individual format of the game lasts from 3 to 5 hours.
We will contact you shortly to arrange a date and venue.
Phoenix is a psychological game, the unique tool for exploring and transforming one’s own reality in every sphere of life.
The title of the game conveys the metaphorical meaning of human existence. Like the Phoenix bird – who burns and is reborn anew - we continue a never-ending cycle of improving ourselves and the world around us.
The Phoenix Game is designed for anyone who has a clear intention and readiness to embark on the path of transformation of personal reality and entirely to change their lives.
During the game the participants uncover the knowledge of how casually and unconsciously we create our own reality from the moment of birth. The parts of reality are interrelated and affect the layer of the world of each of us. Players see and relive the cyclical nature of existence, drifting through the Islands of life, burning and being reborn from the ashes.
Game creator: Lilia Koch